Welcome to Wrens Class
We are the Reception and Year 1 class at Pensilva Primary School. Our teachers are Miss Thomas who teaches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Miss King who teaches on a Thursday and Friday.
We are super lucky to have two wonderful teaching assistants in our class, their names are Mrs Olver and Mrs Bowhay.
On this page you will be able to find our half termly planning, so you know what we will be teaching your child, weekly Home Communication information (please checked this weekly for any upcoming events), ReadWriteInc. (phonics and reading) information, photos of the children enjoying our wonderful environment and any links to websites we think may be helpful.
If you would like more information about our curriculum and our statutory framework, please have a look at our Early Years Foundation Stage page or subject specific pages under the curriculum tab.
We hope you find everything you need to know here but if not, feel free to contact either teacher via the following email addresses or talk to us at the end of the school day.
jthomas@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk lking@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk
Kind regards,
Miss Thomas and Miss King