Hello, my name is Mrs Sissons and I am the Puffin class teacher!
Our teaching assistants are Mrs McDowell, Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Bowhay.
This half term we plan to be exploring the following elements and subjects:
Science: States of Matter/Animals including humans-fit for success.
R.E.: For Christians, when Jesus left, what was the impact at Pentecost?
Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday?
P.E.: Forest School & Cricket skills
Art & Design: Drawing Architecture: Home and Building Design, Antoni Gaudi
History: The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain/ Local history study (mining)
Computing: Creating media: Video trailers/Computational Thinking
Music: Specialist instrument lessons with Sally Butlin
PSHE (Jigsaw): Healthy Me
MFL: Los instrumentos (Musical instruments) / Fruits
Design Technology: Textiles (Wallet or purse)/Pop up cafe (food technology)
Geography: Geography of Cornwall
In English, we are looking at suspense/mystery narratives and diaries - recounts.
In maths, we are looking at multiplication and division.
At home, children can benefit greatly from the following activities to support their learning in school:
- learning multiplication tables and the corresponding division facts [each child has a multiplication/division table that they are focusing on]. Children have access to TTRS. Most days we plan for them to have a short 5 to 10 minute session on this in school. If they can mirror this at home, they will develop speedy and secure tables knowledge to help them confidently learn new maths topics.
- reading to and with an adult. Again we plan for the children to have a reading for pleasure daily session in school but the children need to also be reading at home as much as possible.
- practising spellings [weekly spellings to learn will be sent out each week]. Additionally, each child has a grid of list 1, 2 or 3 words (often referred to as challenge words) in the front of their spelling list book. Please note that sometimes these challenge words will be the weekly spellings set to learn. These challenge/list words need to be learnt, revisited and applied in writing throughout their time in Puffins.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Mrs Ann-Marie Sissons
Week beginning: Monday 3rd March
Thank you to everyone who has sent in old tops that can be used as clothes protection during messy activities. We still need five more for a class set!!! |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Forest school 5- need appropriate clothing (please refer to separate letter for details). AM - Specialist music teacher session 6 |
Wednesday |
Pink homework books & Scrapbooks need to be returned to school. PM: PE kit needed St Piran Day Celebrations |
Thursday |
PM: Mrs McDowell teaching Puffin Class. Library books need to be in school (day change due to WBD)
Friday |
PENSILVA CELEBRATES WORLD BOOK DAY Parents/grandparents/carers welcome to come and share a story with their children from 2.55pm.
Homework books sent home.
Homework Set:
The pink book and Family Maths Scrapbook needs to be returned to school each Wednesday and it will come home each week on a Friday.
Other information Please feel free to send us an email if you have any questions or concerns: amsissons@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk secretary@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk |